cad cam

Dentists can create customized fittings of crowns, bridges, inlays, onlays, and other dental restorations using Computer-Aided Design (CAD) and Computer-Aided Manufacturing (CAM). Through the CAD/CAM technology, your dentist can provide you with the most precise restorations possible.

By using CAD/CAM, your dentist is able to create durable, well-fitting, individual or multiple-tooth restorations. CAD/CAM crowns and bridges have the advantage of being all tooth-colored or white. They have exceptional strength and do not need an underlying dark-metal structure for support.  Because CAD/CAM restorations can be created in varying degrees of translucency, they often appear even more-lifelike and natural than crowns using metal.

To learn more about CAD/CAM technology and how it can benefit you, please contact our practice and schedule an appointment with your dentist.